Thursday, June 19, 2008

What movies can you watch over and over and over again?

Most of the time I have trouble staying awake long enough to watch a movie one time through. I've tried watchin Forrest Gump three or four times, but never made it all the way through.

Most Bruce Willis movies hold my attention (Die Hard, Unbreakable, etc.) I like all the Bourne ... movies and have watched each more than once. Jeanette often finds me watching any Western that's on TV. I like The Magnificent Seven and Silverado.

Gotta go. Time to put the horses in the barn.

1 comment:

Adam Knighton said...

The Magnificent Seven is a good movie.

When I was Elder's Quorum president we had a movie night set aside every month. It only lasted a few months like most good ideas do. We watched The Magnificent Seven, The Guns Over Navarone and Arsenic and Old Lace.