Saturday, June 28, 2008

Movies, I can't decide!

I realize that everyone else is way ahead of me with their movie choices. I really have to admit that as years go by my reasons for liking a movie changes. When I was little my favorite movie was Journey to the Center of the Earth(the one with Pat Boone), or maybe it was The Day the Earth Stood Still, and then there is the one and only Invasion of the Body Snatchers(Dana Winter style, pods and all). In todays time I like movies for the sake of entertainment. I still watch Mixed Nuts(Steve Martin, Rita Wilson) every Christmas. I still watch Rat Race when I need some down time. I like one liners in movies. The one that I like best for that is Gladiator. At the beginning of the movie Maximus, Russell Crowe, is addressing the troops before for battle. He is gives them the beforehand battle speech. He says "What we do in life echos in eternity." I believe that to be true.

Later, Caesar (Richard Harris) tells Maximus that he will be chosen to take his place to rule Rome and not Comidus his son. He recognizes the wickedness in his son when he says "Comidus is not a moral man". This is a heads up to those who are voting for a new pres. this year. The last one I will mention is when Comidus sets-up Maximus in a battle with the Arnold Swartznegger of the slave gladiators.

Arnold is injured, lying on the ground. Maximus waits for the thumbs upor down. Thumbs down is given by Comidus, kill Arnold. Maximus wins by disobeying the thumb and lets Arnold live. Guards surround Maximus. Comidus enters onto the battle ground.

Words are said Maximus replies "I only have one more life to take...The time to honor yourself will soon be at an end." I love his bravery, to stand honorably against his enemy.

1 comment:

Adam Knighton said...

"Are you not entertained?!" Gladiator is definitely one of my favorites too.